About us



Hello there! I’m Miquel. I’ve been living away from the Balearic Islands for more than six years. Despite missing home so much in that time, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder! During these years, I have come to learn how much passion and love I truly have for my hometown. So when taking a break to enjoy its stunning beaches and trails there came an idea – something was needed to capture all of this place’s positive vibes & beauty into one item so no matter where you are, you can take home some piece of paradise . Thatā€™s what led me to create Balerial ā€“ bringing a piece of paradise back into our lives!

autoretrato balerial


Balerial is a company that specializes in creating unique and artistic posters from the Balearic Islands. Our posters are colorful, eye-catching, and full of life. Whether you are looking for a poster to decorate your home or business, Balerial has something to offer. We have some of the best posters from the Balearic Islands that can help you add a touch of personality to your home or office. With their vibrant colors and creative designs, these posters will surely make an impact in any space.


All our artwork is available in high-quality prints on premium paper to ensure you can enjoy it for many years. To make this possible, we combine quality materials, high-quality manufacturing facilities, and rich colors to achieve unique pieces of art that are meant to be enjoyed by anyone who loves the Balearic Islands as much as we do.

Balerial is committed to providing tourists and local residents with the highest quality original art. We donate 1% of our annual sales to help fund vital environmental projects on the island of Mallorca because we believe that art and beauty can change the world.