Refund and Returns Policy

Refund and Returns

Any claims for misprinted/damaged/defective items must be submitted within 30 days after the product has been received. For packages lost in transit, all claims must be submitted no later than 30 days after the estimated delivery date. Claims deemed an error on our part are covered at our expense.

Wrong Address – If you provide an address that is considered insufficient by the courier, the shipment will be returned to our facility. You will be liable for reshipment costs once we have confirmed an updated address with you (if and as applicable).

Unclaimed – Shipments that go unclaimed are returned to our facility and you will be liable for the cost of a reshipment to yourself or your end customer (if and as applicable).

If you haven’t registered an account on and added a billing method, you hereby agree that any returned orders due to the wrong shipping address or a failure to claim the shipment wonā€™t be available for reshipping and will be donated to charity at your cost (without us issuing a refund).

We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. Send us an email at [email protected] wit RETURN REQUEST ā€“ ORDER#ā€ in the subject line.

In order to return an order, you must contact us first.

Returns can be mailed to: Berlagelaan 7E, 2033XS, Haarlem, The Netherlands. You will be responsible for paying for the shipping costs with regard to the items that you wish to return. We will refund the shipping costs upon receiving the items.

You must take care to ensure that the goods are properly packaged so that they will not be damaged while in transit. If the product is found damaged or used beyond what it takes for us to reasonably inspect it, then we may reject a refund.

If you are returning more expensive items, you may consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We donā€™t guarantee that we will receive your returned item.

This Policy shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the English language, regardless of any translations made for any purpose whatsoever.

Contact us at [email protected] for questions related to refunds and returns or check our Help Center.